Basic Computer


My first attempt to build and understand what a basic computer is and also a first step in the field of Computer Architecture :) The project demonstrates what it takes for some design in the wild, to be called, a valid computer.

It is a beginner friendly, turing complete, 8-bit programable computer with 16-byte primary memory(RAM) and 16 possible machine instructions in it's instruction set. It features a single 8-bit bus for data transfer and two 8-bit general purpose registers.

At the core of it's ALU lies a simple 8-bit ripple carry adder which allows the machine to perform basic arithmetics like addition and subtraction.
As mentioned before, their are 16 possible machine instructions of which 11 are implemented. Each instruction is 5 clock cycles long, 2 clock cycles for instruction fetch and 3 for actual execution of the instruction.

A detailed documentation and block diagram is available over at github. Check it out if you are interested.